Saturday, December 17, 2011
Can Shoes Be Cursed?
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tis the Season
Monday, November 28, 2011
Christmas Tree

I just decorated my Christmas tree. I gave in and bought a small artificial tree, which was honestly quite hard for me to do. My whole life we have had live Christmas trees, and I have many fond memories of traipsing through the snow at my grandparents house to find the perfect tree. There was always a ton of snow (not 60 degrees out like it was today), and we had to clomp along behind my father. He made the footprints and we had to try to follow them or we would sink into the snow. Add to that my brother (the trouble maker) throwing snow balls or just pushing me and my sister into the snow - believe me, I was 100% innocent ;-). My dad likes to say that we always ended up picking the tree closest to the house, after wandering around for an hour or so, but what amazing memories. We would then go in and my grandmother had hot cocoa for us.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Being Single
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Shoes Can Make or Break Your Day
I've had a crazy hectic day... but it ended with drinks and dinner with two amazing women. We talked about life, love, plans, and how unpredictable things are. We also talked about shoes - flats, kit heels, 3 inch heals, suede pumps... things are always better with a beautiful pair of shoes. One of my friends shared the pearl of wisdom that shoes can make or break your day. Sadly, that is so true.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Running Shoes
Friday, September 23, 2011
Doctors Need to Learn Customer Service
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
How do I help?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Best Laid Plans
Friday, July 22, 2011
Self Help Books
Anyways, where I am going with this is actually a rant about self help books. I decided to hit up my local Borders to check out their deals as they go out of business (I am sad to see them go, but I'm a sucker for a good deal). They have bargain books in front, and one of them was a self help "find your inner and outer beauty" book/manual/guide/faithful companion, etc. And... It was only $3.99 (plus 10% off that!!!)
So I bought the book. On the way home, though, I started thinking about all the money I have spent on books to better myself, even though I have to say I really like who I am. I'm know there are things I would like to change - I could lose a few pounds, I could drink less caffeine, I could learn to be a little less stubborn and independent, blah blah blah. The key is, I know what I would like to change, and I also know how to change these things through determination, but I'm overall happy with my life and who I am, so I don't bother. So why do I keep buying books that have quick fixes in them (that never work)? Maybe that is what I need to change about myself - stop spending money on self help books!
I may read through this book, or I may add it to the pile on my coffee table (right on top of a weight loss book for busy professionals I bought at Marshall's for $3.99) and forget about it until I make room for it on my book case. I'll let you know how I make out.
In the meantime, I was able to resist a 2012 calendar full of pictures of shoes (it wasn't a great deal), so if anyone wants to pick that up for me feel free.
Happy weekend!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Parking Lot Madness
Monday, July 11, 2011
Birthday Gifts
Friday, July 8, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
8 Inch Heals???
Sunday, June 26, 2011
End of an Era!
Monday, June 20, 2011
How Hard Is It To Pick Up After Yourself?
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Soles4Souls - check this out
Monday, June 6, 2011
My experiment - thwarted before it even started
Monday, May 30, 2011
Happy Memorial Day
Friday, May 27, 2011
What I've Learned This Week
- Even if the power goes out (causing a blinking alarm clock), your internal clock will wake you up in time
- Do not adjust a tension shower rod while in the shower - the water does not help you adjust the rod
- Buying a graphing calculator from Walmart is harder than it should be
- Avoid going to Walmart at 4 - there is a shift change/break time at this time, so if you need any help, it will be hard to find
- If your GPS cannot find a place you are heading to - get specific directions from someone who knows where you are going
- A purple table cloth makes a great rain coat in a pinch (or when it is pouring and you are are wearing 4 inch heals so running to your car isn't an option)
- Friends always make what could be stressful something to laugh about (ok, I already knew that one, but it is important to remember)
- Children always know when you need to laugh
- There is nothing a dinner with great friends can't help
- Taking the long way home (such as a ride down 9N from Lake George to Corinth) will bring back lots of good memories
- It is ok to take a day off from the gym if you wake up with a sore knee - even though the machines may be low impact, your knee will hurt more when you are done and it is never a good idea to limp out of the gym
- Reading a good book isn't a good way to go to sleep - when it really grabs you, you will stay up late to find out what happens
Saturday, May 21, 2011
End of the World?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I Graduated - Sort of...
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Spider War Has Begun
Friday, April 29, 2011
Does anyone know what shoes Kate wore?
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Whether you think you can or you think you can't
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Rain Boots
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Peeps, Peepers, and Peep Toes
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Grandpa Andy
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
All Wound Up
- I did manage to clean the disaster area that was my apartment (hopefully that will last for a while).
- My group finished one paper a week early and it's submitted.
- I am more than half way done with the other paper that is due next Monday.
- I remembered to water my plants today.
- I finished half of my to do list for the week, which is half over, so that is good.
- I have been to the gym this week and spent almost twice as long on the elliptical as I usually do.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Flip Flops

I'm so ready for flip flops!!! The funny thing about that statement, is I used to hate flip flops. They don't cover enough of my feet, which I actually really don't like. Feet aren't cute, even with an awesome nail polish on them. That is probably why I love shoes - because they make feet cute :-)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Grumpiness Can Be Solved By Blue Shoes
I’ll admit it, there have been times when I’ve been ridiculously grumpy the past two days. I have been overreacting about silly little things, simply because life has been hectic (not even bad, just hectic). Between work and school, I am finding little down time (I know, I know, I signed up for it, and it will all work out in the end, and I’ll be a better person when it’s all over, blah blah blah). The sad thing is, I know I actually have it easier than a lot of other people, and I know I am being selfish and overreacting. Still, I’ve been grumpy.
I don’t think I’ve been grumpy to everyone – only my close friends and family. That isn’t fair to them, but it seems like by the time I get around to catching up with them I am done trying to act chipper. (I guess by putting this in a blog post I am whining to everyone, so my whining has now become equal opportunity). Anyways, I need to say thank you to everyone who has listened to my griping the past few days. I woke up to an e-mail from one of those friends basically cheering me on, and it really made me realize that things could be so much worse and everything will work out in the end.
So this morning, when I got dressed for work, I put on my blue shoes and smiled. Positive thinking will help me persevere (and it feels so much better to be positive) and my blue shoes do make me smile and feel positive. So no more whining… even to my best friends. When I’m griping, tell me to shove it (and then tell me to look at my awesome shoes and smile). Life is good and this too shall pass!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Change Is Good
Monday, March 21, 2011
Do you know what you were doing 7 months ago today? Was it a memorable day for you? I was in Virginia, celebrating my cousin’s wedding. It was also when I took a tumble down a large staircase, and ended up breaking my clavicle as well as my C1. Yup, I managed to break my neck. I’m lucky, though, and other than 4 weeks in a neck brace and sleeping in a recliner, I went back to work and kept right on trucking. I think my sister has had more long term effects (she is the one who found me, and she is the one who still calls me to check in and tell me how happy she is that I am ok).
Last week I had what I was hoping was my last appointment with the bone and joint doctor (who is awesome by the way), and after having what I had hoped was my last x-ray for a while, I found out my clavicle still has a crack in it. So I’m not totally healed yet. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy about this. Come on – it’s been 7 months and I have been taking my vitamins, drinking my milk, eating my yogurt, and taking it easy with that arm. Still, my clavicle is not whole yet!
So, when I got in my car I did what I do when I am upset – I called my mom. And my mom of course made me feel better. She simply reminded me to keep everything in perspective. If a sore clavicle and another appointment at the bone and joint center is all I have left from a major fall down a staircase I’m lucky. I have family and friends who took care of me, kept me laughing, and overall showed me how truly blessed I am. I went out to dinner, stopped by work, and even played darts all trussed up, and everyone made me feel normal without staring (at least not too long).
With that said, I guess I am living proof that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I don’t know if I would say I’m better because of the fall, but I would say that I am more self aware, and I love every day. I can whine a bit about aches and pains, and I can feel a bit self-conscious about the bump I will always have on my left clavicle, but overall I am happy. I am just going to keep on moving, finding joy in everyday things, and finding the extraordinary around me every day. Not too shabby!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Red Friday

I received an event invite on facebook to attend "Red Friday." This is a day to wear red to show support for our troops. The invite came along with a touching story about troops walking through an airport. Not surprisingly, this story brought tears to my eyes. Hopefully, that story was a true account of something that happened. Even if it wasn't, there are accounts like this one every day. Stories of our heroes coming home, and those around them recognizing them for their sacrifice for our country.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
My Dirty Little Secret

Monday, March 14, 2011
Thoughts For Japan
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Celebration Food
What is it about baking that is calming? Why do I always feel better with the yummy smells wafting about the house? I love to find an excuse to bake. Right now, I have a cake in the oven to celebrate a friend's birthday tomorrow. It's a new recipe for rum cake, but it does smell good. Fingers crossed it tastes as good as it smells.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Surprise at Work

It was a good day today! Busy, but good. When I was returning to the office after my Tuesday outing, I decided to stop by the mailbox, and my shoes (my gorgeous, turquoise, "trophy wife" suede heals) were waiting for me. Yes, I had them mailed to the office. And yes, I bought a pair of shoes called trophy wife heals, and I'm not even close to being married. Soon...
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Happy Weekend
I'm excited to be spending this weekend with amazing people and celebrating the baptism of the newest member of our family. We will have a blast! Lots of hugs and kisses to go around, I am sure, as well as lots of fun and playtime with a rambunctious 4 year old.
It was while I was packing that I had the thought (again) of "when did I become that girl?" By "that girl", I mean the one who has to bring multiple pairs of shoes for an overnight trip. I have 3 pairs of shoes in my bag - which means a total of 4 pairs are coming with me since I have to be wearing a pair. I must be prepared for any weather, and therefore I must have multiple shoes (yes, I just turned my shoe obsession into a survival tactic). I have my high dress boots that can be worn with the dress I'm wearing tomorrow in case it is super cold; a pair of black heals in case I feel like the boots aren't dressy enough; sneakers in case I decide to make time to do a workout; winter boots (which I will be wearing out there) because I understand there is still snow on the ground so they are a must (and I may be dragged outside by my beautiful niece who wants to play). That is half of my travel bag - shoes. The clothes don't take up much space, so the majority of the rest of the space is a large brush and make up. Again, when did I become that girl?
I do feel a little guilty, though, because there are many people out there who don't own 4 pairs of shoes, let alone think to take them on one overnight trip. I know I'm lucky (and spoiled) to have the things I have, and I also realize they are simply material things and I could do without them. What really matters are the relationships in my life, and the blessings I have, and I continually look for ways to share the excess that I have. This weekend isn't about the shoes that are on my feet, but it is about the celebration of my nephew. That is really what matters. Still - I have to look good while celebrating, right?
Have an amazing weekend and I'll be back soon to tell you more about my adventures!
(For those of you who have been lucky enough to know me personally and spend any time with me this past week - I used the semicolons correctly above; I'm not afraid of any punctuation!)
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
A Small Glimpse of Summer

Monday, February 21, 2011
Happy Birthday Gram
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Happily Ever After
Friday, February 18, 2011
I would like to blame this problem on a project I did last fall for my MBA on Zappo's supply chain... but it goes farther back than that. For my 30th birthday I trolled NYC with a group of amazing girl friends looking for blue shoes (which I didn't find, but I did come home with some adorable sandles and slip on Sketcher sneakers). No worries - I did eventually get my blue shoes, which I make sure everyone knows I am wearing when I put them on (thank you facebook).
So since I force all of my closest friends to listen to my shoe adventures, I figured I should open up the dialogue to all of the world via a blog. It may seem odd, but shoes bring me joy, and I want to share that joy. To end my first entry I want to put up a picture of my newest acquisition - thanks to Marshalls clearance rack. I can't wait until it is warm enough for open toed shoes...