Monday, May 30, 2011
Happy Memorial Day
Many of us are off work today, and it is turning out to be a gorgeous day here in NY. Will the day bring a cookout, golf, cold beer, a lot of doing nothing? Whatever you decide to do on this day, take a moment to remember what this holiday is for. Take a moment to remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country, as well as to remember and support their loved ones. It doesn't matter how you feel about war, or your political beliefs, stop and remember what these patriots have done for our country. I'm proud to be an American, and I am proud of the men and women who allow us to have all the freedoms that entails, particularly those who have lost their lives fighting for this freedom. How will you choose to remember them today?
Friday, May 27, 2011
What I've Learned This Week
Things I have learned this week:
- Even if the power goes out (causing a blinking alarm clock), your internal clock will wake you up in time
- Do not adjust a tension shower rod while in the shower - the water does not help you adjust the rod
- Buying a graphing calculator from Walmart is harder than it should be
- Avoid going to Walmart at 4 - there is a shift change/break time at this time, so if you need any help, it will be hard to find
- If your GPS cannot find a place you are heading to - get specific directions from someone who knows where you are going
- A purple table cloth makes a great rain coat in a pinch (or when it is pouring and you are are wearing 4 inch heals so running to your car isn't an option)
- Friends always make what could be stressful something to laugh about (ok, I already knew that one, but it is important to remember)
- Children always know when you need to laugh
- There is nothing a dinner with great friends can't help
- Taking the long way home (such as a ride down 9N from Lake George to Corinth) will bring back lots of good memories
- It is ok to take a day off from the gym if you wake up with a sore knee - even though the machines may be low impact, your knee will hurt more when you are done and it is never a good idea to limp out of the gym
- Reading a good book isn't a good way to go to sleep - when it really grabs you, you will stay up late to find out what happens
Ok, so 7-12 are all things I already knew, but they were also all reinforced this week. It has been a good week. Sure, there were some bumps (1-7 all happened on Monday alone), I'm still laughing. I had a friend mention I looked happy in recent pictures and, you know what, I really am. There are things I am still looking for, but I can't complain about my life. Especially not when I have great friends and family to keep me laughing.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
End of the World?
There are quite a few people who truly believe the beginning of the end of the world will happen tonight. They have looked into a variety of biblical stories and have determined that major earth quakes will start tonight - the rapture begins. I'm not going to dicount what they're saying, or try to say they are wrong - everyone is entitled to believe in whatever they want. Hopefully, panic is not running rampant in any families.
So what is the positive that can be found from this (since I don't think panic is a positive). If this belief, and the media coverage around it, makes even one person take a moment to tell someone they love them, or call that long lost friend to catch up, then some good has come from it. Whether or not the world is coming to an end, it is important to reach out to the important people in your life. Make sure they know how much they mean to you.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I Graduated - Sort of...
It was a great ceremony, and we had a blast. It is ironic, then, that I am currently avoiding homework and have classes until the end of June. It was 100% symbolic - they let us participate in the graduation so we could celebrate with our families and friends.
I'll take it, though. Last weekend was awesome. It reminded me how much the people I have been taking classes with mean to me, and it reminded me how many people support me through my life. I love my amazing friends and family!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Spider War Has Begun
It seems as though my favorite topic lately has been the gorgeous spring weather, and how great it is to feel the spring sunshine, which all continues to hold true. I love this time of year. What I don't love are the critters that are showing up various places. Particularly spiders - I am deathly afraid of spiders and they seem to be popping up everywhere.
I know it is totally irrational, but I see a spider and I freeze. I have to talk myself through the process of killing it. Ok, move your feet to step on it. No shoes - ok, move your feet to get a shoe to kill it with (yet another reason I love shoes). Or, go get the can of Raid and coat it with that. No raid, you can try hair spray, but it doesn't kill them right away. Wow, I'm sounding cruel! I have my reasons, though.
The other day, I was taking a shower, and I looked up to see a spider glaring at me from the corner of my bathroom (way up on the ceiling). I know he was plotting a way to fall onto me and cause my demise... Needless to say, I took the quickest shower ever, and then I got my trusty shoe, climbed on the tub, and crushed him. Only to go out into my hall where I saw two more spiders, also hiding in the corner of the ceiling. Sadly, I could only reach one of them, so the second is still creeping around my apartment somewhere.
So, along with the happy positive thoughts spring brings, I need to accept the critters that come with it as well. Easier said than done when I'm being stalked by an eight legged monster!
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